Bob Lindsey
Take the politics out of Law enforcement!

LA County Sheriff’s race interview: Bob Lindsey
Listen to this wonderful interview right here! There are three candidates running for the L.A. County Sheriff position. In the...

Bob Lindsey Receives 93% of the Deputy ALADS Vote For Sheriff
In the midst of a lengthy labor negotiation, the deputies union for the Sheriff’s Department held off on endorsing a...

“We need to reframe the conversation” LA County Sheriff Candidate Bob Lindsey
The implementation and reversal of the law from illegal to legal is creating dynamic opportunities yes; but significant challenges as...

Sunday Morning Newsmakers With Bob Lindsey
Bob Lindsey, Candidate for LA County Sheriff, The longtime lawman discusses his run for office, the issues that matter in...
Personal Endorsements

It is an honor and privilege to be able to
support Bob in this election.
Rapper & Actor

Bob Lindsey is a man of experience
and integrity, with proven leadership
abilities to lead our county
Former Mayor and business woman

There´s no doubt in my mind,
who is waiting and willing to protect me
and my family, Bob Lindsey will.
Chief administrator

If there ever was anybody that would literally
lay down their life for us,and never say anything,
it would be that man. Vote for Bob Lindsey
Stunt car driver
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Bob Lindsey for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2018
4 weeks ago
We just received this home video showing J.P. Hyan at Norwalk's LA CO Reg Recorder's Office, speaking to KABC Channel 7 News. Keeping this issue relevant is vital to making real change and exposing those who corrupt our electoral system. ... See MoreSee Less
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Get rid of CROOKED Dims running LA. #VoteDemOut in Nov
It’s all corruption and there isn’t anything we can do about it. We live in the liberal heartland
Guys yes the system is broken but nothing is gonna a change. It is over!
California is a very corrupt state, that is the reason they try to regulate guns
... JP. Hyan was just interviewed on KRLA 870AM Radio - "Radio Free Los Angeles" Show ... Getting the word out on - VOTER FRAUD and Disenfranchised Voters !! ... PLEASE Go to Bob Lindsey's - VOTER SURVEY and Tell us Your experience ... Then Go To: ... For Updates !!
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Bob Lindsey for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2018
1 month ago
Press Release
For Immediate Release: June 21, 2018
Secretary of State candidate Mark Meuser Calls-Out Los Angeles County
for "Shady" Deal with Foreign Company to Operate Elections
Los Angeles -- Secretary of State candidate Mark Meuser is questioning
the decision by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for
approving a controversial voting system that is slated to cost taxpayers
upwards of $250 million, was developed in Venezuela, and according to
the United States Election System Commission, is not qualified to
operate in the United States.
The Supervisors signed a contract with the Venezuelan Smartmatic, whose
Chairman is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of the United Kingdom, President is
Roger Pinate of Venezuela, and President of its North America operations
is disgraced former California Secretary of State Kevin Shelly.
Smartmatic has been operating elections in the Philippines since 2010,
but not without controversy, constant calls to cancel the contract, and
ban it.
The Manila Times: Get rid of Smartmatic!
Interaksyon: House Minority wants probe of Comelec-Smartmatic deal for
purchase of vote-counting machines
Manila Bulletin: Why is Comelec still doing business with Smartmatic?
Inquirer: Sotto informant claims 2016 poll results ‘altered’
According to the USESC and the California Secretary of State, Smartmatic
does not have any voting system that has been tested and certified for
use in the United States or California. Los Angeles County is the first
county in the United States to hire Smartmatic.
"At a time when there is so much discussion about foreign influence in
our elections, the decision of LA County to use a company with ties to
the Venezuelan government show a lack of discernment by the board,"
Meuser said. "California needs less partisan politics when it comes to
the maintaining of our elections. However, at first glance, it appears
LA County is going the exact opposite direction.”
"LA County has been saying for years that they were going to create an
open source system that would help reduce the cost of election
technology around the world while bring more transparency to our
elections," Meuser said. "Instead, LA County appears to be entering into
a $250 million contract with a company with a shady past." ... See MoreSee Less
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Not surprised. Smh!
If it doesn’t have a paper trail and the voter can see what they voted for, it is a complete waste of money.
I knew it, my nose knows theres shady stuff going on.
Matthew Funicello
Dave Goss
And what is going to be done?? Not a damn thing. No one gives two shits about lasd Deputy’s. The one candidate who would have cared about the ground troops obviously was made sure not to succeed.
Yup have to ask yourself a couple of questions. 1) I saw Bob Lindsey campaign stuff all over LA county. I saw his ads on television and I heard him on the radio. I even saw a plane with a banner that read vote for Lindsey. 2) I never saw or heard anything about Villanueva or the current Sheriff. So given this you would have thought Bob Lindsey was the only person running for the position. My question is how then did he come in third place if there is no fraud????
shame to our system !!!!
Democrats are doing this all across the country!!! It's nothing new that the machines have been programmed to change your selections without you knowing. Its fraud!!!
This information that shares the news that our Leadership would make such poor choices like this is absolutely disgusting. How in our right mind would we ever do something like that? This news is so appalling. Let’s have some other enemy of the state whose ideologies are contrary to ours run the next election and everyone after that until we are completely lost. Not!!! Fight for your freedom while you still have it. Stand up and do something America.
“The official count of Venezuelans who participated in the election of an all-powerful constituent assembly was tampered with – off by at least 1 million votes” – the head of a voting technology company asserted
Why doesn't this surprise me?
Holly cow.... So technically Los Angeles county's election is void.
So whats being done about it Bob Lindsey for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2018 ????
The Democrats will do any thing to win
Why would you expect anything less from a socialist state and county doing business with a company from socialist Venezuela. Funny Venezuela is in ruins with people going hungry, without leaders like Bob Lindsey gettingelected the county and state will fall to the same fate.
WTF....Venezuelan election turnout figures manipulated by one million votes: election company | Reuters › article › venez... 2 Aug 2017 · Turnout figures in Venezuela's Constitutional Assembly election were manipulated up by least 1 million votes, Smartmatic, ...
Well duh! You actually thought you would get a fair shake from democrats? You won’t! This state will have to be taken by much more aggressive means unfortunately as the major cities are full of whiney little perverts and lazy self entitled loser who want to drag it down to hell with them. And they are succeeding because those who don’t want their goals keep arguing about who is best to replace them!!! They are unified in their psychosis...we should be unified in our purposes to remove them....but we are not.
I hate this and I cannot argue with my friends that are not voting this is one of the proof that your vote won’t count it’s already fixed This is B.S
Not surprised
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Bob Lindsey for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2018
1 month ago
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Did they finally count all the votes?
I'm so sorry I have to work, but you have my prayers....
I was told my vote wasn't counted...sound fishy because they claimed to have mailed me a mail in ballot but I never received it and then I went in person to vote and now they claim my vote wasn't counted...I'm very upset.
Why isn't this on the news!!!!!
Hope lots of people show up in Norwalk.
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Bob Lindsey for Los Angeles County Sheriff 2018
1 month ago
With all that's going on with the post-election madness, we want to pause for a moment to acknowledge the wonderful fathers out there, working hard to create a new generation of thoughtful, and inspired souls. Happy Father's Day! ... See MoreSee Less
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Sooo will Bob be on the list November?
Happy Father’s Day!
Happy FATHER'S day Bob. God bless and keep you and yours my friend.
Happy Father’s Day Bob
Happy Father’s Day from our entire team🏁
Happy Fathers day Bob
Hope you had a great Fathers Day.
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